Friday, March 16, 2012

Scared into veggan

Have you guys seen the documentary Forks over Knives??

Well i did, and frankly it scared me into wanting to be vegetarian.. This movie made me never want to consume an animal protein ever again...  with my new found cancer stats i decided to become vegan!! well my friends, this lasted for a record breaking single day :( 
i have tried to go vegan in the past and I've gone a week with out meats, but this time i failed and really it sucks. 
so I'm going to try again and knowing me i do a better job when i have supervision... 
i will record my meals and try to help others integrate more veggies and fruits into their diet...
id be lying if id say that i could ever be a vegan 
simply because i love cheese!! and love it way too much  
so i wont say i wont ever eat meat or poultry but i will try to shrink my portions
so here we go peeps help me eat my veggies !!

 Here we have: a wheat pasta, spaghetti sauce, red bell peppers and Spanish squash i added rosemary and basil . simple, easy and delish

try this, half orange juice and naked pomegranate juice 

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